Designing Healthcare Analytics to Engage Clinicians

Healthcare analytics software enables the acquisition, validation, transformation, and visualization of robust data sets. Organizations use healthcare analytics for a wide variety of purposes, including:

  • The business of healthcare that analyzes financial trends and access to services.
  • The delivery of healthcare aimed at driving improvements to the quality of care and care providers.
  • The monitoring of healthcare treatments like devices and pharmaceutical interventions.

While the use cases are incredibly diverse, they all share a few common requirements:

  • A dedication to the strict adherence to standards that keep your data safe and secure.
  • A streamlined process for collecting and blending disparate data sources into a unified whole.
  • A focus on improving access and outcomes for the most important stakeholder – the patient.

In order to achieve these aims, healthcare data must be engaging and interactive to support key decisions. This is especially true for clinician users.

User engagement is a key indicator to help organizations understand how decision makers like clinicians are using healthcare data and applications. User engagement metrics tell us:

  1. The degree to which data-driven decision making is prevalent in an organization’s culture.
  2. The degree to which the healthcare analytics application facilitates simple and intuitive data exploration.

At ArborMetrix, we see it as our responsibility to facilitate delightful and engaging user experiences and ultimately to inspire and support a culture of data-driven decision making in healthcare.

User-Centered Design in Healthcare Analytics

When designing healthcare analytics software to drive clinician and end-user engagement, it is crucial to understand the value proposition for key user personas. These personas represent the types of users and stakeholders who will be interacting with the product.

We leverage user-centered design principles to define personas and engage in best-practice research methods like focus groups, user observation sessions, and surveys.

Every persona has high-value needs, and we focus on designing easy and intuitive user experiences to facilitate those needs. Some examples of personas for clinical registries include quality officers, administrators, clinicians, researchers, patients and caregivers.

We tailor our user interface and workflows to align with the needs of our users. We want to ensure that they have easy access to the information and tools that matter the most to them.

Designing Healthcare Analytics Tools for Clinician Engagement

Here are a few examples of high-value opportunities for engaging clinical personas:

  • Easing the burden of regulatory reporting requirements.
  • Enabling meaningful benchmarks based on timely data.
  • Providing quick access to relevant measures with robust filtering for custom patient cohort comparisons.

For users tasked with providing data, we aim to make data acquisition seamless by utilizing electronic connections whenever possible. When manual data entry is necessary, product capabilities for intuitive smart forms with validation logic that are attune with user workflows are critical. This is to ensure high-quality data capture with minimal effort.

It is important to capitalize on the momentum from an initial rollout of new software and plan a product roadmap to maintain engagement with new high-value capabilities and insights. Planning for growth can include expanding the scope of measures available, growing the library of reports, adding support for new personas, and releasing new product features that align with high-priority user needs.

Healthcare analytics software, purpose-designed for your users, can help you go beyond understanding how you’re performing to exploring why. That’s what inspires data-driven action and measurable improvement.